Need to learn an accent for an audition in a day?

or less?

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βœ”οΈ Select from over 75 accents

βœ”οΈ Receive two recordings of your script

βœ”οΈ Readers from around the World with authentic accents

βœ”οΈ Quick turnaround in 24 hours or less

βœ”οΈ Save time and stress

β€œSuch a good idea!”

- said every actor ever.

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delivered in 24 hours.

Prices start from just Β£10 per page

Accents Covered

  • Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Benin, South Africa, Zulu, Afrikaans, Uganda, Zimbabwe

  • Standard/General American, Transatlantic, Mid-Atlantic Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Brooklyn Mid-Atlantic, Chicago, Minnesota, Californian, General Southern, Texan

  • Hong Kong, Mandarin (Chinese), Cantonese (Chinese), Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia

  • Australian, New Zealand

  • England: Birmingham, Black Country, Cumbria, Derby, Durham, London, Multicultural London English (MLE), Cockney, Estuary English , Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Received Pronunciation (RP), Sheffield, Yorkshire

    Northern Ireland: Belfast, Derry

    Ireland: Cork, Dublin, Limerick, Galway

    Wales: North Wales, South Wales

    Scotland: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Central Scotland, General Scottish

  • Balkan, Czech, French, German, Greek, Hungary, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Romania, Russia, Ukraine

  • Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaican, Trinidad

  • Argentinian, Colombian, Guyanese, Venezuelan

  • If the accent you need isn’t on this list request it here. Chances are we have it!
